

(2024) Misallocation of the immigrant workforce: Aggregate productivity effects for the host country

in Economic Modelling, vol. 130, 106475 (with A. Varón)


Article PDF WP link Slides


(2023) Is the pandemic fast-tracking automation in developing countries? Preliminary evidence from Colombia

in Journal of Human Capital, vol. 17(4) (with L. Bonilla, D. Hermida, L. Flórez, L. Morales, F. Lasso and J. Ospina)


Article PDF WP link


(2022) Effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Colombian labor market: Disentangling the effect of sector-specific mobility restrictions

in Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol 55, Special issue: the Covid pandemic (with L. Morales, L. Bonilla, L. Flórez, D. Hermida, K. Pulido and F. Lasso)


Article PDF WP link


Work in progress

Pandemic-induced increases in container freight rates: Assessing their domestic effects in a globalized world

Work in progress


PDF WP link


Policy implications of losing credibility: Lessons from Colombia’s post-pandemic inflationary surge

with A. Grajales, F. Hamann and S. Naranjo. Work in progress


The aggregate productivity cost of labor informality in Colombia

with S. González. Work in progress


Barriers to mobility or sorting? Sources and aggregate implications of income gaps across sectors in Indonesia

with T. Święcki. Submitted. Revision requested at American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics


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Intra- and inter-industry misallocation and comparative advantage



PDF On. Appendix  Slides


The labor market in Colombia: Structural features and the role of wages in the post-pandemic inflationary surge

with H. Vargas and J. Ospina. Work in progress

WP link

Subsidies in tough times: The effects of a formal employment protection program for micro and small entrepreneurs

with L. Bonilla, D. Hermida, L. Flórez, L. Morales and F. Lasso. Work in progress


Welfare effects from financial innovations: The case of banking through networks of retail agents

with F. Arias. Work in progress


Other publications (in Spanish)

Policy research reports

(2022) Macroeconomic impact of climate change on Colombia

in Ensayos sobre Política Económica, No. 102, pp. 1-62, Banco de la República (with J. Bernal and J. Ojeda (eds.) et al.)


(2020) Immigration from Venezuela to Colombia: Characterization and analysis of its macroeconomic effects

in Ensayos sobre Política Económica, No. 97, pp. 1-74, Banco de la República (with A.M. Tribín (ed.) et al.)


(2020) Credit and real effects in Colombia 2000-2017: Evidence from microdata

in Ensayos sobre Política Económica, No. 94, pp. 1-55, Banco de la República (with M. Lopez (ed.) et al.)


Pre-PhD publications

(2013) Business cycles in Colombia: 1975-2011

in Lecturas de Economía, No. 78, pp. 115-149, Universidad de Antioquia (with V. Alfonso., L. Arango, F. Arias and G. Cangrejo)


PDF  Slides

(2012) Nowcasting Colombian economic activity

in Borradores de Economía, No. 724, Banco de la República (with D. Cristiano and D. Hernández)


PDF  Slides

(2010) “IMACO”: a monthly leading indicator of economic activity in Colombia

in Monetaria, Vol. XXXIII, No. 4, pp. 495-598, CEMLA – Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (with H. Kamil and J. Torres).


PDF  Slides

(2009) Alternative measures of real exchange rate for Colombia

in Borradores de Economía, No. 514, Banco de la República (with G. Alonso, N. Hernandez, and M. Villa)


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